Friday, March 15, 2013

CoverGirl LashBlast Fusion: My New Favorite Mascara

One of the most annoying things for me is running out of my favorite mascara. Previously I had been using the Wet 'n' Wild MegaPlump mascara and was really liking it. However, I found that it was difficult to build up and it ran out quicker than I expected, but maybe that was my doing.
Anyway, I decided to try out a more self-satisfying product and found a coupon for CoverGirl mascara in my local newspaper (I try to save a few bucks wherever I can). The coupon totaled the product at about $5, which is about half of the normal price, and to me, it was worth trying out at such a good deal. :) I picked up the CoverGirl Lashblast Fusion mascara (tempted by promises of full and volumized lashes), and found that I'm personally loving it!
My lashes have taken a lot of abuse these last few weeks (including some unfortunate lash loss) and I was pleasantly surprised when this mascara made them look very long and very full despite their not so ideal state. Some of my favorite things about the product are the fact that I didn't have to build up the mascara too much, the large brush is great for getting all of those stubborn lashes, and the packaging is not to shabby either. :)
The picture above is an example of what the mascara did for my poor lashes. My crazy, randomly-sized lashes were easily tamed by this product and I couldn't be happier. They especially look nice paired with some winged liner.
Overall, I'm happy with my purchase and can see myself repurchasing this mascara in the future. :)

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