Monday, September 3, 2012

Monday Manis, Mac and Mantras

It's Monday. My least favorite day of the week. This Monday, however, is Labor Day. So, I thought I'd share some great finds to lift the dreaded fog and get you in the mood to enjoy this holiday!

One of the newer things I found is for the Mac Cosmetics lovers. Mac is coming out with a new collection called "Casual Color". The haul includes very simple and natural colors that every girl would enjoy adding to her vanity. It also includes eight cheek and lid pots, mascara, signature nail polishes, a special brush, primers, and a pressed powder. Look up the collection for more info and product names :)

We can't go through a Monday without looking at some darling and to die for manis, so I found a couple  from that you guys might enjoy. (P.S. the ice cream nails are my fave!)

Now that we've covered the visuals, here's a little mantra to stick with you for the rest of the day:

Have an amazing Monday and an even better Labor Day!
Til next time,

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