Sunday, October 28, 2012

Busy Bee

If you haven't already guessed by the title and the extent of my absence from posting, I've been busy lately. Let's just say I bit off more than I could chew this month. However, I have stitched my multitasking mess back together the best I could and have forced myself to re prioritize. Which just means that I grabbed myself by the hair (metaphorically speaking of course) and told myself to focus. I'm not an organized person. A total disadvantage with my current hobbies. There's one word I've begun to praise lately, and it's balance. I've learned that once you make a commitment, you have to honor it instead of setting it aside while you try something new. I guess you can compare it to that new pair of shoes you love that you always want to wear with everything instead of the classic pairs you've appreciated for long periods of time. Then the new pair becomes old and you start to miss the old reliable black pumps or rich brown riding boots. It's a normal lesson that I, unfortunate enough as it is, have had to be reminded of a couple of times. And now, to save my readers from anymore having to do with another one of my "me problems", I think I'll end this post. I hope you at least enjoyed the picture I edited with some of my favorite quotes. Check in again tomorrow for a big Monday post! :)

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