Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday Manis, Makeup and Mantras

It's yet another not so appealing Monday, but there's no need to walk out of that door feeling like you want to crawl under a rock. Instead, I have another post of pick-me-up pics and sayings that I thought would brighten some of your days. I found the usual manis and mantra, but I also came across some pretty striking makeup looks that I personally thought were cool and hope you'll enjoy them just as much as I do. (Although, I wouldn't be daring enough to wear any of the looks myself, unless on special occasion.)

Let's start with some extremely cute nail-candy. :)

This was done by layering a bunch of colors and then eating them away with an acid. Very cool. I'm definitely going to try this one!

A gorgeous hunter green and an even more beautiful glitter coat and shine.

An overly chic black and white number that I've grown to love!

Armor for your nails. Amazing.

Dazzling Designer. Absolute perfection.

Don't be afraid to show a little color as the cold creeps in, but don't forget to keep those pretty fingers nice and warm!

Makeup is a huge form of expression. These looks that I found just scream "I'm gorgeous, daring and I don't give a damn if It's over dramatic!"

Good old-fashioned pinup perfection.

Candy Eyes

Stunning Goth

Glamorous jeweled lashes. I'd be a little nervous with this one, but it's still insanely pretty.

Lately I've been dealing with drama and have been needing a huge reminder of just how strong I can be. Mondays are not my forte when it comes to having a positive attitude, so I have this quote as my wallpaper to always remind me that I can pull through. If any of you readers are sort of in the same boat, I hope you'll find this beneficial as a mood lifter, because it has certainly worked for me.

Sorry, it's a bit blurry, but the message still rings true.

Well, that's all for this Monday's post. I hope you have gotten something out of this to arm yourself against the obstacles the universe will throw in your way today. Just remember you can overcome anything with strength, and don't forget to think happy thoughts (like that amazing manicure you gave yourself last week, or that delicious cupcake you've been thinking about devouring). Keep living your fabulous lives and I wish you the best. :) Have a great day!

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