Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Manis, Mantras and Memories

Yay! (at least in my mind) Monday posts are back! I've recently went on a camping trip (well I referred to it as "Glamping", considering the fact that there was the luxury of showers and a pool), and I have been trying to catch up on all my social media sites. So, it shouldn't be a surprise that 80% of this post is going to include things from Instagram. Yes. I know I'm addicted. Anyway, let's get on to the inspiration and the manispiration :)

I found a few really cute and summery manis that I thought I would share:

Can we just take a moment and admire the hard work behind this sophisticated, yet totally summer appropriate creation? Love this. 

So amazing, yet so difficult looking. *sigh*

And amping it up even more; there's this beauty.

I snapped a few nature loving pics during my trip and thought I'd share mother nature's masterpiece with you. (I miss the scenery already)
(Ok, so these weren't technically from the campsite. Instead they were different locations in the area that I had to capture.)

And last but not least, the mantras. One of them is more of a food for thought, but I thought you wouldn't mind. :)

Alright, so that was it for this week's Monday post. I hope you enjoy it, and hope that your week is one that you collect happy memories from. :)
'Till next time,

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